Terms of Service

By using our service you agree that you and/or your legal guardian (be you underage), has read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

We do not take responsibility for any content made and/or uploaded by the vendors on this website, we do however supply community support and paid product support on our Discord should there ever be any issues.

The purchase service is only available to people who have turned 13 years of age, and with the agreement of a legal guardian in the case if you are underage in your country.


You agree that you will pay for all products through our service, and that we may charge your payment method for any products or services purchased from us through the Service. Prices for products and services offered by us or vendors via the Service may change at any time, and the Service does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering. Any purchase made from mcmodels.net via the Service is non-refundable. Purchases of assets from MC Models gives you license to use commercially in-game. You are prohibited from redistributing the resource unless given permission. If your account is suspended or terminated due to your breach of the terms, you will not be refunded for any purchase made from mcmodels.net.

General MCModels License

When purchasing a product listed on the MC Models marketplace, you are purchasing a license to the Intellectual property of the vendor.

  • Products sold on this website are covered as Intellectual Property, therefore automatically have copyright protections. By buying a product, you are granted a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to use that product as set forth in this Agreement.
  • This license may be revoked and your account terminated, without notice, for conduct that violates any terms laid out in this Agreement and/or is directly harmful or damaging to MC Models, any of our vendors, any of our partners, any of our users, or any of our other services or information providers.

The license allows you to:

  • Use the assets for personal use
  • Use the assets for the purpose of selling as a cosmetic incentive on the platform you operate. This could include, but is not limited to in-game cosmetics, forum badges, Discord emotes and TeamSpeak icons.
  • Use the assets for the purpose of selling as an on platform reward as it pertains to the digital experience. This includes but is not limited to user experience, user rewards, and user incentives.
  • Use imagery you create with the product to advertise the above.
  • Use the assets to create entertainment – such as videos or live streams.

The license does not allow you to:

  • Share the source files with individuals who do not hold a license.
  • Re-sell the assets; whether they are bundled with other files or not.
  • Modify the content of the files in order to sell.
  • Claim the assets as your own (you cannot claim that you created the assets for example).
  • Use the assets for the production or distribution of non-fungible tokens (commonly known as NFTs).
  • Use the assets in any manner that is considered illegal or unlawful.

This license may be updated periodically to better serve our Vendors or to provide clarification on certain issues. We will strive to communicate any major changes to the license via announcements. Continued use of MC Models after any license changes take affect constitutes acceptance of the changes.

Reviews and Support

You are not allowed to use reviews to ask for or push for support. If you want product support, or more features in a product, you have to join our Discord server as stated multiple times in the purchase process. Using reviews to complain about a lack of features or to suggest features is also not allowed. The product page states what the purchase comes with before you check out. Reviews have to include a written review of why you give it the score you give it, it cannot simply be an empty review with a score or give no context. If you have been banned from our Discord due to acting rudely or breaking rules, please email us for support at [email protected]


MC Models has no obligation to screen or monitor any content and does not guarantee that any content available on the Service complies with the TOS of the desired platform you intend to make use of it with. MC Models provides the Service on an “as is” basis. You therefore use the Service at your own risk. MC Models expressly disclaims any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and any other warranty that might arise under any law. Without limiting the foregoing, MC Models make no representations or warranties: (i) Concerning any content submitted by any user; (ii) Concerning any third party’s use of content that you submit to the Service; (iii) That any content you submit to the Service will be made available on the Service or will be stored by MC Models; (iv) That the Service will be permitted in your jurisdiction; (v) That the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free; (vi) That the Service will meet your business or professional needs; (vii) That MC Models will continue to support any particular feature of the Service; or (viii) Concerning sites and resources outside of the Service, even if linked to from or within the Service. To the extent any disclaimer or limitation of liability does not apply, all applicable express, implied, and statutory warranties will be limited in duration to a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which you first used the Service, and no warranties shall apply after such period.

Limitations of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law: (i) MC Models shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses; and (ii) MC Models total liability to you shall not exceed the amounts paid by you to MCM over the one (1) year period preceding your claim(s).


You are not allowed to redistribute any files downloaded from our marketplace. Our products are model based and can be used in many different ways, one of them is being put into a Minecraft resource pack. Other ways could include animations, general videos and other seamlessly endless things. The most common use of our models are for Minecraft resource packs, therefore we package them and use language to make it easy for our customers, this does not mean the products are made specifically for use in the game Minecraft. This means that our products are not covered or touched by the Minecraft EULA nor terms and we will take legal action against any piracy or asset sharing done by the end user.


We partner with Tebex Limited (www.tebex.io), who are the official merchant of digital content produced by us. If you wish to purchase licenses to use digital content we produce, you must do so through Tebex as our licensed reseller and merchant of record. In order to make any such purchase from Tebex, you must agree to their terms, available at https://checkout.tebex.io/terms. If you have any queries about a purchase made through Tebex, including but not limited to refund requests, technical issues or billing enquiries, you should contact Tebex support at https://www.tebex.io/contact/checkout in the first instance.

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