Vendor Rules, Guidelines, Terms of Service

Last Updated 2/23/2025

These rules are in place to ensure that MCModels remains a welcoming and healthy environment for customers and vendors alike, while recognizing that this is a global community and some things are better off outside the platform.

MCModels is a closed, at-will platform. We reserve the right to remove any content or user from the platform at any time, for any reason, without notice. We also reserve the right to update these rules at any time and will do our best to inform all vendors of these changes, but it is your responsibility to stay up to date on important matters. Vendors represent the brand and platform, and as such, are expected to follow these rules.

Vendor status is again, at will. Your vendor status may be removed for any reason, including, but not limited to, multiple or serious infractions of these rules. MCModels staff retains records of vendor breaches of these rules. By joining the MCModels vendor program, you agree to all listed Vendor Terms of Service and all Vendor Rules. MCModels reserves the right to change these rules at any time, with notice given to all vendors.

Usage Rights / TOS

  • You grant MCModels permission to use your uploaded products in marketing material for the MCModels brand, as well as in giveaways with partners and other marketing efforts.
  • You grant MCModels the right to hold and refund money to a customer for any vendor negligence or wrongdoing, in order to cover expenses incurred by the vendor.
  • You grant full permission to send DMCA requests on your behalf, in relation to products you have uploaded to MCModels.
  • You may not sell listed products externally in a manner that would deprive MCModels of its fees, such as privately through PayPal from a customer sourced from MCModels.
  • You grant MCModels permission a full license to sell your products on your behalf and we act as the seller, and you will receive the 90% commission of each post-fee sale. This license with MCModels is not exclusive and it is revocable if you wish to leave, but you may not revoke it for any sale that has already occurred.
  • MCModels has the right to archive a product at any time from future sale.

Discord and Marketplace Conduct

  • No racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, or any form of hate speech. Any personal views you have need to remain off-platform.
  • Treat other vendors and customers with respect and professionalism. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. If you are being coy to cause drama, don't say it.
  • Do not slander other vendors or customers. If you have a problem with someone, take it up with them directly or with MCModels staff.
  • Do not instigate or engage in conflict with others. If action is needed, ping @Staff.
  • Use appropriate channels and pings for posts within the discord.

Product Content and Quality

  • Your products must be original work, selling or redistributing work that you do not have the rights to is strictly prohibited. AI art, sounds, or other assets are not permitted and could result in removal from the platform.
  • Products may not be excessively vulgar. Blood & gore is allowed, but avoid things such as highly sexual content. If you are unsure, ask staff beforehand.
  • When posting products, you must maintain a quality standard suitable for MCModels at the same level or better than your application. If individual products aren’t of a high enough quality, they may be rejected at the approval stage and return to your drafts.
  • Entire stores may be archived if the quality between your application and new products drops greatly, consistent quality concerns are noted in products or we encounter multiple cases of not providing support for non-functional products. See more under Tickets & Support.

Exclusive Products

  • Products may be listed as “Exclusive” for additional perks and benefits. Exclusive benefits may change at any time and will be expanded upon in the next large site update.
  • Products that are listed as “Exclusive” may not be released on other relevant marketplaces. Bedrock marketplace and Java mod platforms such as CurseForge and Modrinth are not considered such marketplaces, and you may crosspost and remain exclusive there.

Product Structure, Archiving and Reupload

  • Once a product has been published, it may not be deleted and must be archived instead to prevent future sale. Licenses when sold are permanent and cannot be revoked by vendors.
  • You must use product packages where possible when posting multiple related products. For example; If you want to post both dyeable and non-dyeable versions of a furniture pack. Don’t create two separate products, create one product with two package options.
  • You may choose to archive and then reupload a product to the site only if; Both the visual appearance of the assets and dependencies are significantly changed and are no longer compatible with the original version released in a way that doesn't constitute an appropriate "update". Bug fixes, the addition of new dependencies and minor model or textures updates must be limited to a product update.

Project Documentation

  • If your product contains items that do not have appropriate display settings for the product type and intended implementation methods configured, please list this clearly in the description. While this is currently at the discretion of the vendor, increased guidelines for what is appropriate for different product types will be released.
  • If your product contains “Raw Files”, you must specify what this includes. For example .json, .png or .bbmodel.
  • Clearly mark all required dependencies. A required dependency is a plugin that a customer must use for your product to work. In most cases, a resource pack management plugin is NOT required for a product to function. Plugins such as ItemsAdder, Oraxen, and Nexo should most likely be listed as an optional dependency.
  • Clearly mark all included configurations and the corresponding plugins latest tested version. Also, include the latest tested minecraft version of your product in the dependencies. Providing more configurations comes with extra support commitments. See more under Tickets & Support.
  • You may not set your own terms of service at a product or store level. MCModels terms apply to every product and custom ones in descriptions will not be honored at this time. If you wish to see specific terms changes made, please reach out to staff.

Tickets & Support

If you are temporarily unable to provide support due to external reasons, please notify staff.

Offering support is required for issues within the scope of the advertised product and configurations. If support isn’t given for products, then they may be archived and customers may be issued refunds at MCModels’ discretion. As a vendor you are not responsible for assisting with implementations not included in the product, or explaining generic resource usage things that are better suited for individual plugin supports or generic knowledge obtaining.

  • You must provide support in tickets as soon as possible. Staff expect an initial reply within 48 hours and ticket resolution within 7 days from time of creation. If you will be unavailable for a long period of time, notify staff when possible to avoid product archival.
  • Support specifically includes installation assistance for plugins where you are offering the configuration.
  • Do not offer support for other vendor’s products without approval, even in support tickets.

Sales & Promotions

  • You must list the end date of all sales in any announcements or listing of the sale. You may not repeatedly extend the end date of sales.
  • Sales must not be deceptive or misleading.
  • You may not raise or reduce base product prices shortly before or after sales.
  • You may not offer a discount other than the one advertised

Advertising & External Linking

  • You may not link external websites or services in your product descriptions. Discord links must be placed in the dedicated discord store boxes in the vendor dashboard. Exceptions may be made for partnered products if agreed upon with the staff team beforehand.
  • You may link external sites, such as discords or wikis, within your product files (ex. readme.txt).

Teams, Partnerships, and Collaborations

  • The official stance of MCModels is that only approved vendors may have their art included in products.
  • Team leaders are responsible for the products posted and the quality of these products, the conduct of their team, and ensuring support is given timely and appropriately.
  • If any other individual is entitled to a split of product profits, you may not change prior agreed upon profit splits without agreement from all parties and you must utilize the wallet split on the dashboard. You do not have to give dashboard access, but you are expected to payout funds from this wallet upon request.


While at this time commissions are independent of MCModels, as the platform does not participate in the setting of terms, be aware that your vendor status comes with an elevated expectation from customers whether there is anything concrete or not.

You are expected to meet all deadlines and terms that you set. If a commission goes awry and is brought to the staff team, it may put your vendor status into question once investigated.

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