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Add 7 Custom Skills and 2 Equipment to your game!
The Summoner class is the 6th main class of the RPG Class Series that uses a tome to control summoned spirits.
The Summoner class is a ranged magical summoner that summons spiritual creatures and magical weapons to kill away enemies.
Block your enemies’ projectiles using Guardian’s Defense and summon a flaming phoenix to burn your targets down.
This pack contains:
Tome of Summoner (Item Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 7 skills bound
Shiny Tome of Summoner (Item Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 7 skills bound
Spirit Guardian FX (Skill Model)
Spirit Guardian Slash 1 FX (Skill Model Animation)
Spirit Guardian Slash 2 FX (Skill Model Animation)
Spirit Guardian Pierce FX (Skill Model Animation)
Spirit Guardian Block FX (Skill Model Animation)
Magical Blades FX (Skill Model)
Summon Horse FX (Skill Model)
Summon Phoenix FX (Skill Model)
6 skill icons
14 custom sound effects
MythicLib custom skills config
MMOCore class & skills config
MMOItems & MythicCrucible support
Emissive skill textures for Optifine
Instruction on how to get the equipment in-game
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config – Easy Drag & Drop! (Supports version 3.3+)
Oraxen config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Skill upgrade function for MMOCore: Upgrade your skill level for higher damage, reduced cooldown, longer duration, etc
Ex) Customizable base damage, per-level damage, minimum / maximum damage
Party/Guild function:
Damages and debuffs only apply to non-party/guild members
Heals and buffs only apply to party/guild members
Passive – Spirit Guardian (Passive): You summon a spirit guardian which you can cast spells to make him fight for you.
Basic Attack – Soul Strike (Left): Your spirit guardian swings his sword, striking targets in front of you. If you use this skill again at the right timing after a slash, the spirit guardian continues his next swing and creates a slashing combo up to 2 times.
Skill 1 – Guardian’s Defense (Right): Your spirit guardian covers you with his shield, blocking projectiles and attacks targeted at you. Use this skill continuously to stay in shield mode.
Skill 2 – Magical Blades (Shift + Shift): Summon 5 magical blades that fires one by one.
Skill 3 – Summon Horse (Shift + Right): Summon 2 spirit horses that gallop across the surface, setting hit targets airborne.
Combo 1 – Spirit Charge (Skill 2 – Basic Attack): Summon and mount a spirit horse. You can control directions and boost its speed with the forward key(W).
Ultimate – Summon Phoenix (Shift + Left): Summon a phoenix that glides through the surface, burning and dealing deadly damage to targets. The phoenix also leaves a path of fire that burns targets overtime.
You only need one of the three – MMOItems, MMOCore, OR MythicCrucible to make the pack work. You don’t need all of them.
Dependencies: MythicMobs, ModelEngine
Tested on version 1.18.2, MythicMobs (5.1.0), MMOItems (6.7.4), MythicLib (1.3.3), MythicCrucible (1.4.0), MMOCore (1.9.4), ModelEngine (R3.0.0), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.3.5), MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (1.6.0), MMOCore (1.12), ModelEngine (R3.1.8), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MythicMobs (5.4.1), MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (2.0.0), MMOCore (1.12), ModelEngine (4.0.3), Resource pack included
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