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Add 7 Custom Skills and 7 Equipment to your game!
Flamos is a fire-element character that you can become in-game by equipping his armor and weapon, using his fire-type skills.
This pack contains:
Scythe of Flamos (Item Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 6 skills bound
Shiny Scythe of Flamos (Item Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 6 skills bound
Head of Flamos (Item Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 1 skill bound, Emmissive eyes texture, Inventory Icon
Helmet of Flamos (Armor Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 1 skill bound, Inventory Icon
Chestplate of Flamos (Armor Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 1 skill bound, Inventory Icon
Leggings of Flamos (Armor Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 1 skill bound, Inventory Icon
Boots of Flamos (Armor Model/MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 1 skill bound, Inventory Icon
Flame Slash (Skill Model)
Inferno Wheel (Skill Model)
Blazing Leap (Skill Model)
Inferno Orb (Skill Model)
Hellfire Slash (Skill Model)
6 skill icons
9 custom sound effects
MythicLib custom skills config
MMOCore class & skills config
MMOItems & MythicCrucible support
Emissive skill textures for Optifine
Breaking armor fix for shaders
Instruction on how to get the equipment in-game
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config – Easy Drag & Drop! (Supports version 3.3+)
Oraxen config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Skill upgrade function for MMOCore: Upgrade your skill level for higher damage, reduced cooldown, longer duration, etc
Ex) Customizable base damage, per-level damage, minimum / maximum damage
Passive – Fire Immune (Passive): Flamos is immune to fire and lava damage.
Basic Attack – Flame Slash (Left): Flamos performs a slash attack.
Skill 1 – Inferno Wheel (Right): Flamos spins his scythe and burns entities around him.
Skill 2 – Blazing Leap (Shift + Right): Flamos leaps upwards.
Skill 3 – Inferno Orbs (Shift + Shift): Flamos creates rotating fire orbs that burn entities when hit.
Ultimate – Hellfire Scythe (Shift + Left): For 10 seconds Flamos’ speed and attack speed increase. His basic attacks become bigger and stronger, burning entites on attack.
Combo Skill 1 – Hellfire Wheel (Shift + Right – Right) – Flamos leaps upwards and starts spinning his scythe, smashing down the surface causing an explosion.
Full Pack – Everything above
Equipment Pack – Armor / Weapon models
Skill Pack – Skill models / Sounds / MMOCore config / Skill icons / MythicLib config / MythicMobs config
You only need one of the two – MMOItems OR MythicCrucible to make the Full pack work. You don’t need both of them.
ItemsAdder config is included in all packs.
Dependencies: MythicMobs
Tested on version 1.17.1, MythicMobs (4.14.1), MMOItems (6.7), MMOCore (1.9.1), MythicLib (1.3), MythicCrucible (1.0.1), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.18.2, ModelEngine (r2.5.0), MythicMobs (5.0.3-SNAPSHOT), MMOItems (6.7.2), MythicLib (1.3.1), MythicCrucible (1.2.0), MMOCore (1.9.4), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19, MythicMobs (5.1.2), MMOItems (6.8.1), MythicLib (1.4.1), MythicCrucible (1.4.0), MMOCore (1.10.2), Resource pack included
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