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This product contain:
An important wiki with large proportions, useful decoration and a badge when unlocking mob
Icons and GUI's for mobs
Drop, Biome, and Extra information about mobs
106 Textures
Codex, ItemsAdder, Nexo and Oraxen Configuration
English Configuration:
Spanish Configuration:
About this product
MobsLibrary (Peaceful Mobs) is a Codex plugin configuration that allows the exploration and information of Minecraft mobs, such as Armadillo, Allay, Axolotl, Bat, Camel, Cat, Fox, Tadpole, Frog, Cod, Cow, Pig, Chicken, Salmon, PufferFish, TropicalFish, Sheep, Mooshroom, Ocelot, Parrot, Squid, Glow squid, Sniffer, Turtle, Villager, Wandering Trader, SnowGolem, Strider, Donkey, Mule, Skeleton Horse, Horse, Bee, Cave Spider, Dolphin, Enderman, Polar Bear, Goat, Iron Golem, Llama, Panda, Piglin, Spider, Wolf and Zombified Piglin, Blaze, Bogged, Breeze, Creeper, Elder Guardian, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Hoglin, Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Piglin Brute, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Warden, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Ender Dragon & Wither
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