Crescent Studios
Creating high-quality, unique, truly custom creatures that'll make your players say, "Woah. That's new". Let's reimagine "custom" together.
Fantasy NPCs: Fill Up Your World!
This pack includes MythicMobs and ModelEngine (Blockbench) folders for easy drag/drop installation.
These Fantasy NPCs come in two variants:
- Standstill: These stationary NPCs would perfectly fit standing roles, like merchants, shopkeepers, or quest givers!
- Moving: These NPCs are here for filling up towns and civilizations! They're neutral, meaning they won't hesitate to fight back if attacked!
The Cultists: Ancient octopi-like creatures who're known for immense wisdom!
The Fishkin: Valiant, but sometimes clumsy, Koi-fish troops who protect towns and villages with their sharpened blades!
The Nagas: Humanoid/Snake-like creatures whose bloodshot eyes strike fear into those that dare to get in their way!
The Sand Guardians: Protectors of the dunes, temples, and pyramids. Their staffs are capable of shooting sand-like beams of powder which do immense damage!
The Tuskers: A friendly species who'll try to help you out! Unless, of course, you attack them.
But most importantly, they offer a simple extension to Minecraft in the form of some new creatures. Hope you all enjoy it!
Models & Textures by Avila (pedravila)!
Configurations by Miscodes (miscodes)!
Copyright MCModels © 2025.
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