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Oraxen does not yet support palette_permutations so it will give many warnings in the console, but everything will work correctly.
This product content:
UnearthMechanic Plugin
Support to Worldguard, Lands, PlotSquared
ItemsAdder & Oraxen Configs & Recipes Configs
DirectionalBlocks Config for ItemsAdder
Fonts for all painting tools & Recipes
Painting Brush (16 Colors)
Painting Brush (16 Colors)
Spray Cans (16 Colors)
Large Paint Roller (16 Colors)
Custom Sounds for Brush, Rollers, Spray Cans & Paint Remover
Animated Models for Rollers, Spray Cans & Brush
Paint Remover & Animation
Paint Mixer (4 Models) & Processed Dye (16 Colors)
Paint Bucket & 16 Colors (4 Stages)
Stripped Log & Planks (16 Colors)
Stone Bricks, Stone (16 Colors)
Bricks, Nether Bricks (16 Colors)
Glowstone, Mud Bricks (16 Colors)
Cobblestone, Bamboo Mosaic (16 Colors)
Bamboo Planks, Smooth Stone (16 Colors)
Chiseled Stone Bricks / Nether Bricks (16 Colors)
Support for Vanilla Blocks:
Glass, Wool, Carpet, Terracotta, Concrete, Concrete Powder
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