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The Plant Pack comes with 3 mobs and 1 boss.
The mobs and boss from this pack are all plant species with various behaviors and skills.
This pack contains:
Awakened Shrub (Mob)
Vine Guardian (Mob)
Thorn Spitter (Mob)
Mutant Flower (Boss)
Mutant Vine (Boss Minion)
Stinger (Boss Minion)
Explosive Seed (Skill VFX)
Vine Root (Skill VFX)
Instruction on how to install
Emissive textures for Optifine
Awakened Shrub:
Venomous Aroma: Awakened Shrubs flee from players but blast a poisonous aroma when you get too close.
Vine Guardian:
Vine Sweep: Vine Guardians sweep the surface with their arms, slightly knocking you back.
Vine Slam: Vine Guardians slam the surface with their arms, slightly knocking you up.
Thorn Spitter:
Poisonous Thorn: Thorn Spitters fire a poisonous thorn that poisons you.
Mutant Flower:
Phase 1 (Above 50% Health):
Venom Aura: The Mutant Flower poisons you when you get too close.
Mutant Vines: The Mutant Flower has 4 mutant vines around it that attacks nearby players. The Mutant Flower gets damaged whenever a vine gets killed. These 4 vines regenerate after some time.
Summon Vines: The Mutant Flower summons an attacking mutant vine near you. The Mutant Flower gets damaged whenever a vine gets killed. These vines do not regenerate.
Explosive Seeds: The Mutant Flower launches 4 explosive seeds into the air, exploding when they hit the surface.
Vine Root: The Mutant Flower binds you with roots when it catches you sprinting.
Solar Beam: The Mutant Flower spins around while firing 2 solar beams that burn you. You can avoid the beams by jumping when they get close.
Summon Stingers: The Mutant Flower summons 3 stingers that poison you.
Phase 2 (Below 50% Health):
Venom Aura: Increased damage.
Summon Vines: Shorter cooldown.
Explosive Seeds: Launches 7 explosive seeds, increased damage.
Solar Beam: Faster spinning speed, increased damage.
Summon Stingers: Summons 5 stingers.
Dependencies: MythicMobs, ModelEngine
Tested on version 1.18.2, MythicMobs (5.1.0), ModelEngine (R3.0.0), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.2.6), ModelEngine (R3.1.7), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MythicMobs (5.4.1), ModelEngine (4.0.3), Resource pack included
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