Justice Studios
This One-Stop Shop provides different Minecraft services for a low rate without sacrificing quality!
BlockWars Content:
x1 R2D2 Pet w/ in-game sounds + cosmetic version
x1 Baby Yoda Pet w/ Interactions and Sounds + cosmetic version
x3 Armor Sets (Darth, Obi, and now StormTrooper)
x6 Sabers + Hilts (Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, White, Purple)
x6 Dual Sabers + Hilts (Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, White, Purple)
x4 Blasters (Base, Blue, Green, Red)
Included Configurations:
Raw Files
Vanilla Resource pack
ItemsAdder Configuration (Includes saber opening/closing!!)
Oraxen Files (No mechanics for saber opening/closing)
MythicMobs Config Files (Includes saber opening/closing!!)
(RP can be made with vanilla so plugins are ItemsAdder/Oraxen are optional)
Also In the Pack:
ReadME on how to install
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