Adding Custom Entities to Your Minecraft: Java Edition Server

Gone are the days when the only way to add custom entities to Minecraft: Java Edition was with mods. Now with the power of ModelEngine, MythicMobs, and a resource pack, you can add any entity you can think of quickly and easily. You can add custom mobs, custom bosses, or custom animals, all with a full range of fluid animations and unique behavior. This ensures that your players have a truly one-of-a-kind experience on your server.

[Nog's Rhinos]

The Power of ModelEngine 4

ModelEngine brings to a vanilla Minecraft server what we once thought was only possible with mods. This incredible plugin utilizes display entities to construct custom animated models from any Blockbench generic model file. For you, the server owner, it’s as easy as dropping a .bbmodel (Blockbench file type) into ModelEngine’s blueprint folder and reloading the plugin. It does all the heavy lifting for you, assembling a fully functional resource pack in the blink of an eye.

You can bring your custom entities to life with ModelEngine’s state machine. The state machine automatically makes your entities use specific animations based on the actions they are performing in-game. If you name an animation “idle” it will perform that animation when idle. Name an animation “jump” and it will perform that animation when it jumps. You can take things even further by using the state mechanic that ModelEngine adds to MythicMobs. This will allow you to trigger any animation and sync it with other MythicMobs mechanics, creating endless possibilities.

[TugkanDeMan's Solar Elementals]

Utilizing Custom Entities on Your Server

With the power of ModelEngine and custom entities, you can transform your server's gameplay experience, leaving a lasting positive impression on your players. Imagine fighting new never-seen-before bosses, or finding new animal types roaming through the world. Imagine watching birds fly overhead as you travel through your server. Even small custom entity additions add an extra layer of immersion to your worlds, taking your server to the next level.

Here are just a few of the things that are possible with custom entities:

  • New bosses

  • New mobs

  • Pets

  • Pets and Vehicles

  • Animated furniture

  • Custom NPCs

  • New player animations

  • Animated cosmetics

  • Animated player skills/abilities

  • Animated crates

[LittleRoomDev's Vehicle Pack]

Challenge Your Players with New Bosses

Adding new bosses with custom models and mechanics to your server is a great way to impress players. With ModelEngine and MythicMobs, creating epic boss battles is easily possible. Bosses also make great loot delivery systems and are a great way to get cool items in your players' hands in a fun and satisfying way.

[Toro's The Black Dragon]

EULA-friendly Monetization

Incorporating custom entities into your server also opens the door to some EULA-friendly monetization methods. For example, players love things like pets or mounts, and these can be implemented in a way that doesn't provide any gameplay advantage if you'd like to keep your server in line with Minecraft's end-user license agreement. When it comes to cosmetic features like this, players are more likely to spend money on things that they think are unique and visually impressive, and the use of ModelEngine's custom entities ensures that this is the case.

[Samus2002's Mount Pack]

New Advertising Angles

Another huge benefit of having custom entities on your server is the advertising potential that comes with this sort of gameplay element. Whether you make advertising content for your server yourself or even if it's your players posting content online, custom entities are sure to impress any potential players who are on the fence about joining your server.

Adding Custom Entities to Your Minecraft: Java Edition Server

Implementing custom entities on your server can help you take your server to the next level, and MCModels is here to help you do just that. Explore our resource pack guides, or check out more of what is possible by browsing our curated selection of products. You can also join our discord community, where we’d be happy to guide you further or answer any questions you have.

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