
This is a default vendor description.

Master Bedroom Furniture Pack

Product information



Master Bedroom Furniture Pack, Includes 21 models:

  1. Basket

  2. Bed

  3. Bin

  4. Bookshelf

  5. Carpet

  6. Chair Dressing Table

  7. Desktop Photo Frame

  8. Drawer Cabinet

  9. Drawer Lamp

  10. Dressing Table

  11. Lamp

  12. Mirror

  13. Picture Frame

  14. Shelf

  15. Small Table

  16. Sofa Bench

  17. Sofa Chair

  18. Tv Stand

  19. Vase

  20. Wardrobe

  21. Work Table

WARNING: Please check before installing or updating because it has been a big change since Feb, 15 2023
(change entity from armor_stand -> item_frame) maybe this affects the model's previous version

Pre-Made Configurations

  • ItemsAdder drag and drop config

  • Oraxen drag and drop config

Additional details

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