Nog's Menagerie
Step right up, step right up!
Close your eyes, feel the power flowing through you, because May the 4th plushies are here.
A perfect cute little addition for any server, you’re never too old for a plushie… or twelve.
Easy drag & drop installation for MythicCrucible, Oraxen, Nexo and ItemsAdder, with pre-made resource pack included.
Bobby-One Plushie
Bounty Hunter Plushie
Chewie Plushie
Dan Rolo Plushie
Dark Father Plushie
Blue Droid Plushie
Gold Droid Plushie
Duke Spacewalker Plushie
Emperor Plushie
Princess Leah Plushie
Storm Soldier Plushie
Yoga Plushie
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