Minecraft Garage

Team of artists with extensive experience in creating models and experiences using the original game style while maintaining logical gameplay

More Creepers #1

Product information



Introducing the new creeper pack! This will add 7 creepers and VFX for their explosions, plus a few minions they can use, including a reskin of the original creeper and its explosion.

Creepers wont break blocks

Normal Creeper: A creeper like the one we already know, but with some changes to its animations and texture.

Electric Creeper: Similar to the original charged creeper but modified to look better and more updated, along with VFX for its explosion.

Illusion Creeper: This creeper will temporarily blind you to create multiple copies of itself, making it difficult to distinguish which one is the real one. These copies are harmless but won't seem that way, making it hard to guess which one will actually explode.

Umber Creeper: Instead of exploding, this creeper will bury itself and run away from you, planting invisible mines along the path you would use to reach it when it unburies itself. Watch where its particles pass to locate the mines.

Dazzle Creeper: This creeper won’t harm you when it explodes, but it will blind all players in a wide area. On its own, it’s not lethal, but when accompanied, it’s not a good idea to let it live.

Nuke Creeper: It’s pretty self-explanatory that it will explode in a massive range, blinding and pushing those outside its lethal range with the shockwave. It’s large and has a lot of health, so you might have time to take it down before the countdown reaches zero.

Theres also a NukeTnT, Yeah we know some things

Spore Creeper: Upon detonation, besides dealing damage, it will release spores that, upon hitting the ground, summon small, fast copies of itself and mines that will mercilessly explode if you get too close. Definitely, letting this enemy detonate is not a good idea.

The latest stable versions of ModelEngine 4 and MythicMobs will be required to use this pack.

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