Lost Assets
Entities, Items, VFX(skills)
The Revenant is a spearman who has made a pact with an abyssal entity. They attack enemies with their spear or summon the abyssal entity for powerful attacks.
Skill Descriptions
Shadow Slash (LEFT CLICK, Basic Attack): Swings the spear to damage enemies in front. On the third attack, an abyssal entity slashes forward, dealing 150% damage.
Dark Rush (RIGHT CLICK): An abyssal entity rushes forward, dealing damage to enemies it touches.
Shadow Blade (SHIFT LEFT CLICK): An abyssal entity swings the spear, rapidly attacking nearby enemies 5 times in succession.
Abyss Cataclysm (SHIFT RIGHT CLICK): The Lord of the Abyss appears and throws a spear into the ground. When the spear strikes the ground, it releases a powerful dark energy, dealing significant damage to a wide area of enemies.
The weapon modeling in the image and MMOItems are also included.
Requires MMOItems and MythicLib.
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