Crystal Creations
We are a team of experienced modelers, artists & builders. Our team are offering high quality resources for your projects, ranging from pixel-art, 3D model textures, builds and more!
Let your players show off to each other with 11 new cosmetic hats! These hats can be used inside crates, given as rank rewards or made craftable. Players can wear them to look fancy.
The cosmetics already come with a little rarity system by color. White, green, aqua and GOLD which is awarded to the crown.
Drag and drop installation with instructions. It is as simple as dragging the folders into the correct folder. Active support if required.
Red Shroom Hat
Cowboy Hat
Flower Wreath
Steampunk Hat
Plague Doctor Mask
Diving Helmet
Cyber Goggles
Brown SHroom Hat
Squid Hat
Gamer Headphones
The Crown
This pack is configured for Oraxen and ItemsAdder. It also comes with configurations for HMCCosmetics to wear the hats. All files are included including blockbench.
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