Konacept Workshop
Innovative content for unique servers!
Transform player disconnections into visually stunning experiences!
With LogoutAvatars, you can offer your players a unique cosmetic option by displaying a 3D avatar when they disconnect from the server. This system provides a fully customizable and server-friendly experience.
Avatar Selector: Players can preview and select their avatars from a dedicated menu, allowing them to customize their experience before disconnecting.
Easy preview System Setup:
Preview System Showcase:
What Happens When the Player Disconnects and Reconnects?
If a player disconnects and reconnects before the avatar's despawn time expires, the avatar will automatically disappear, ensuring a smooth transition between the player’s presence and their disconnection.
If the player does not reconnect before the avatar despawns, the avatar will fade after a configurable period, leaving the world as it was.
Other Features:
- Griefing Protection: Prevents abuse of the avatar system.
- WorldGuard Compatibility: Avatars won’t spawn in protected regions.
- Despawn Configuration: Customize how long the avatar remains visible after disconnection.
- Permission System: Limit access to certain avatars based on permissions.
- Skin Compatibility: Avatars can use the player’s skin or custom models.
- ScriptFrames:Support for adding sounds to animations directly from Blockbench.
- And much more!, ind out about all the options on the wiki or on our Discord!
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