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RPG Mob Series | The End Pack comes with 8 End Mobs, 8 End Pets/Mounts, and 2 Skill VFX.
The mobs from this pack are all end species with various behaviors and skills.
This Pack Contains:
Ender Clam (Mob/Pet)
Ender Slime (Mob/Pet)
Ender Hammerhead (Mob/Pet/Mount)
End Scuttler (Mob/Pet/Mount)
Ender Ripper (Mob/Pet)
Ender Witch (Mob/Pet)
End Seeker (Mob/Pet)
Void Beholder (Mob/Pet/Mount)
Ender Laser VFX (Skill Model)
Ender Web VFX (Skill Model)
MCPets config
8 Pet Icons for MCPets menu
Pet name tag support
Emissive textures
Instruction on how to install
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config - Easy Drag & Drop!
Oraxen config - Easy Drag & Drop!
Advanced Behaviors and AI:
For better combat experience, we've focused on randomness and unpredictability. Some mobs switch between walk and run mode, teleport when damaged, leap only from a certain distance, and much more.
Mobs and their skills are fully customizable in terms of damage, health, etc.
Ender Clam:
Ender Pearl: Has a 70% chance to teleport away and a 30% chance to open its shell on right-click. Drops an ender pearl when right-clicked again. Regenerates its ender pearl after a few seconds.
Ender Slime:
Leap Attack: Leaps towards the target and damages them.
Ender Split: Splits into 2 smaller ender slimes on death.
Ender Hammerhead:
Bash: Strikes the target with its head.
Teleport Rush: Teleports 10 blocks in front of the target, dashing towards and knocking them back.
End Scuttler:
Bug Bite: Leaps towards the target and bites them.
Ender Cobweb: Fires an ender cobweb from its tail, slowing targets stuck in the cobweb.
Ender Ripper:
Claw Slash: Slashes the target with its claws.
Spin Slash: Slashes the target with its claws, followed with a spinning slash.
Teleport Evasion: has a 50% chance to teleport 1~2 times nearby when damaged.
Ender Witch:
Void Laser: Fires 2 void lasers from its eyes, levitating hit targets.
Ender Gas: Releases ender gas from its mushroom, withering targets in the area.
End Seeker:
Teleport Explosion: Charges an explosion if the target is close. It stops charging when the target is not nearby, and explodes otherwise. Exploding teleports the target to a random location.
Void Beholder:
Ender Beam: Pulls in the target with its tentacles and shoots ender beams from its eyes when the target gets closer.
Dependencies: MythicMobs Premium, ModelEngine, MCPets
Tested on version 1.20.4, MythicMobs Premium (5.7.2), ModelEngine (4.0.7), MCPets (4.1.3), Resource pack included
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