Elevate your projects with premium-quality models and textures!
By SirValeron
25 UNIQUE Vanilla Mob Drop items you can use in minecraft!
Pre-made Configurations
Oraxen drag and drop config
Itemsadder drag and drop config
Raw textures
Blaze Core
Blaze Dust
Blaze Eye
Blaze Jewel
Blaze Plating
Drowned Bone
Drowned Essence
Drowned Flesh
Drowned Lungs
Drowned Rag
Enderman Hand
Enderman Heart
Enderman Horn
Enderman Tongue
Enderman Tooth
Piglin Buckle
Piglin Ear
Piglin Eye
Piglin Hoof
Piglin Tusk
Warden Antenna
Warden Bone
Warden Heart
Warden Plating
Warden Souls
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