Crystal Creations

We are a team of experienced modelers, artists & builders. Our team are offering high quality resources for your projects, ranging from pixel-art, 3D model textures, builds and more!

Dungeon Pets vol.1

Product information



Express your server with 3 new pets at Dungeon theme

Drag and drop installation with instructions. It is as simple as dragging the folders into the correct folder. Active support if required.

📦 Contains:

  • Arrow Golem: (5 Animations)
    The Arrow Golem is a compact wooden guardian

    that pelts enemies with a flurry of arrows.

  • Stone Golem (6 Animations)
    A resilient guardian of earth and nature, this

    mossy companion crushes enemies or summons the

    earth's fury in its many attacks.

  • Copper Bulb: (6 Animations)
    The Copper Bulb is a support companion that

    enhances allies while emitting weak but

    consistent energy projectiles to fend off foes.

📁 Files Included:

  • Modelengine blueprints

  • MCPets configuration

  • MythicMobs configuration

Additional details

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