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R\Rpg | Acorn Sage Classes v1.0
New Series From Rysenz Is " R\Rpg " R is mean " Real "
⚙️Included Configuration⚙️
- Mythicmobs Premium [Drag n Drop]
- MythicLib [Drag n Drop]
- ModelEngine [Drag n Drop]
- Nexo [Drag n Drop]
- ItemsAdder [Drag n Drop]
- MythicCrucible [Drag n Drop]
🪄Skill List🪄
⭐[Passive] Acorn Sage Passive | Run faster and with more endurance
⭐[1] Summon Squirrel | Summon Squirrel To Help you Fight with Enemy
⭐[2] Acorn Call Back | Call the squirrel to Caster
⭐[3] Acorn Sage Heal | Squirrel runs around a pile of acorns to heal nearby players
⭐[4] Acorn Sage Barrage | Squirrels spray acorns like machine guns
⭐[Ultimate] Giant Acorn | Summons a giant acorn from the sky that deals damage in an area and causes burning
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