Willmood Studio
- Welcome to my humble little store!
Hey-hey-hey-hey! Been looking for something to decorate your town with? All right! Because I’ve got some new car models just for you! The pack includes 4 variants of pickup trucks, parts of which you can combine together! Also in the pack contains a lot of colors of these cars. 🔧
📁 Files:
• Nexo (Drag and Drop)
• Bbmodel format files (No bones and no animation yet)
• Json format files
📦 Models:
• 8 red pickup parts
• 8 blue pickup parts
• 8 yellow pickup parts
• 8 black pickup parts
• 8 white pickup parts
• 8 brown pickup parts
• 8 green pickup parts
(The car model consists of two parts that can be combined)
⚠️ Attention! The price will be raised after the update of the pack!
Make a confiuguration to be able to drive cars
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