Crescent Studios

Creating high-quality, unique, truly custom creatures that'll make your players say, "Woah. That's new". Let's reimagine "custom" together.

Misc's Teddy Bear (Mob + NPC)

Product information



Teddy Bears: Ruthless Huggers!

This pack includes MythicMobs, ModelEngine (Blockbench), and Nexo folders for easy drag/drop installation.

Nexo is being used here specifically for the items. The textures are included in the pack, so you can set them up with another custom items plugin if you'd like!

The Teddy Bear is both a hostile mob, AND an NPC! There are MythicMobs configurations for both. The Teddy Bear comes in two colors (brown and pink), punches, grabs, charges, and stomps! A cute little challenge to give your players for Valentine's Day!

But most importantly, they offer a simple extension to Minecraft in the form of a new creature. Hope you all enjoy it!

  • Models & Textures by Avila (pedravila)!

  • Configurations by Miscodes (miscodes)!

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