Helping You Craft Your Ultimate Minecraft Experience
Model Details:
100 Sprites
Setups for Oraxen and ItemsAdder, just Drag and Drop
Oraxen 1.18+ compatible
ItemsAdder 1.15+ compatible
NOTE: The items do not have their mechanics configured. They’re made purely as graphics, although in-game times.
Flaming Orb
Icy Crystal
Lightning Bolt
Green Leaf (Healing)
Skull (Necromancy)
Glowing Shield
Eye (True Sight)
Chain Link (Binding Spell)
Feather (Feather Fall)
Broken Chain (Freedom of Movement)
Angel Wings (Fly)
Hand (Mage Hand)
Hourglass (Time Stop)
Crescent Moon (Invisibility)
Starburst (Magic Missile)
Water Drop (Water Breathing)
Fiery Arrow
Lightbulb (Illumination)
Snowflake (Frost Spells)
Sun (Daylight)
Spiral (Teleportation)
Fish (Speak with Animals)
Wind (Gust of Wind)
Fist (Strength Enhancement)
Bird (Summon Familiar)
Web (Web Spell)
Cloud (Fog Cloud)
Stone Wall (Wall of Stone)
Treasure Chest (Detect Treasure)
Rose (Charm)
Sword (Magic Weapon)
Door (Dimension Door)
Snake (Poison)
Flame (Burning Hands)
Music Note (Bardic Spells)
Paw (Animal Friendship)
Anchor (Hold Person)
Chalice (Create Food/Water)
Tree (Entangle)
Question Mark (Identify)
Scroll (Divination)
Footprint (Track)
Shovel (Dig)
Rainbow (Prismatic Spray)
Star (Wish)
Quill (Write Scroll)
Bell (Alarm)
Speech Bubble (Message)
Lock (Arcane Lock)
Gem (Imbue Gem)
Dagger (Stealth)
Book (Lore)
Hammer (Crafting)
Bow and Arrow (Archery)
Coin (Haggle)
Fishhook (Fishing)
Foot (Sprint)
Shield (Block)
Eye (Observation)
Handprint (Tracking)
Quill (Forgery)
Lute (Perform)
Cooking Pot (Cooking)
Key (Lockpicking)
Broken Sword (Disarm)
Horse (Riding)
Fist (Unarmed Combat)
Chalk Outline (Investigation)
Mountain (Climbing)
Map (Navigation)
Compass (Orientation)
Heart (Charisma)
Brain (Intelligence)
Gear (Mechanics)
Paddle (Rowing)
Paintbrush (Artistry)
Scales (Balance)
Jumping Figure (Acrobatics)
Swimming Figure (Swimming)
Magnifying Glass (Search)
Tent (Camping)
Bullseye (Targeting)
Rope (Knot Tying)
Crossed Swords (Melee Combat)
Star (Fame)
Speech Bubble (Diplomacy)
Hourglass (Patience)
Footsteps (Escape)
Mask (Disguise)
Broken Heart (Intimidation)
Candle (Concentration)
Handshake (Alliance)
Puzzle Piece (Problem Solving)
Sneaking Figure (Stealth)
Waving Hand (Sign Language)
Starburst (Magic Affinity)
Healing Cross (First Aid)
Tree Stump (Woodcutting)
Pickaxe (Mining)
Anvil (Blacksmithing)
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