Welcome to my store! Here you can find tons of assets such as skills, mobs, bosses, pets, mounts, and more!
Add 28 RPG Assets to your game!
This pack includes tons of assets essential for an RPG world.
Also includes pre-made systems which you can customize yourself. Check out the configuration manual provided in the pack!
This pack contains:
3 EXP Scrolls (Common/Rare/Epic)
Right-click to drink and heal yourself!
Crucible/MMOItems config included
5 Mana Potions (Minor/Small/Large/Superior/Eternal)
Right-click to drink and heal your mana!
Crucible/MMOItems config included
4 Elixirs (Fire/Water/Earth/Wind)
Fire: Strength + Haste
Water: Water Breathing + Dolphin’s Grace + Conduit Power
Earth: Resistance + Fire Resistance
Wind: Speed + Jump Boost + Slow Falling
Right-click to drink and gain buffs!
Crucible/MMOItems config included
Healing Crystal
Right-click to activate and heal all players in the area!
Mob Ward
A player-only safe zone, monsters get pushed away when they try to walk into the mob ward’s area!
Summoning Totem
Right-click to summon waves of monsters, nice system for farming drops or EXP!
13 NPCs
Right-click to interact!
Farmer NPC
Cook NPC
Blacksmith NPC
Guard NPC
Librarian NPC
Miner NPC
Healer NPC: Right-click to heal!
6 Merchant NPCs (Weapon/Armor/Scroll/Accessory/Potion/Mount)
Emissive textures for Optifine
Instruction on how to install
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Oraxen config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Configuration Manual Includes:
How to configure Potion mana amounts
How to configure EXP scroll exp amounts
How to configure Elixir effects, strength, and duration
How to configure Healing crystal cooldown and heal amount
How to configure Summoning Totem cooldown, duration, summon amounts, mob amounts, and mob types
How to configure NPC display names
Dependencies: MythicMobs Premium, ModelEngine
Tested on version 1.19.4, MythicMobs (5.3.5), ModelEngine (R3.1.8), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MythicMobs (5.4.1), ModelEngine (4.0.3), Resource pack included
EXP Scrolls, Mana Potions, Elixirs Dependencies: MMOItems OR Crucible
Tested on version 1.19.4, MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (1.6.0), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (2.0.0), Resource pack included
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