Boxpix Studio
Mobs, Armors, Cosmetics, Blocks, Icons, and much more
Introduce an air of ancient Egyptian mystique to your Minecraft realm with our Pharaoh-themed model set. Unearth the secrets of the past with these eerie treasures
๐ฆย Included:
Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
Sword, Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Hoe
Fishing Rod, Bow, Shield
๐ Files included:
๐ฆ ItemAdder (Drag and Drop)
๐ฆ Oraxen (Drag and Drop)
๐ฆ Nexo (Drag and Drop)
๐ฆ Pharaoh Items Json Files
Copyright MCModels ยฉ 2025.
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