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Command the terror of the seas, a whooping 9 seat ship of the line is here for you to rule the Minecraft oceans!
This pack contains :
Ship of the line model
All projectiles and explosions models
Several animated flags for you to customize your ship
Cargo models
Custom sound effects
All controller models and repair kits for ship
Fully NPC driven ships to fight as bosses
1 driver and 8 cannoneer seats to shred your enemies
3 cargo chests to fill with your items, they float when ship is destroyed
You can comfortably walk on deck while the ship is standing still
Ramming mechanic, damages both ships
Easy flag customization, 3 nations and 1 pirate flag choice
Simple ship control
3 Repair kit sizes for your convenience
Enabled critical hits on ships that display larger explosion
Well optimized
NPC's with clever AI which you can spawn on your seas to chase your players
You can steal other ships if owner isn't near steering wheel
Blueprints that require material, need recharge if ship is destroyed
Wind and wind gust mechanic to control all ships on server
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