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Sorcery Equipment Armor (includes 2d sprites):
Druid Armor (Aqua/Terra/Inferno)
Cleric Armor (Angelic/Terra/Inferno)
Enchanter Armor (Aqua/Terra/Inferno)
Basic Terra Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage and has the chance to slow the target. Slight speed boost when shot
Advanced Terra Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage and AoE slows mobs around the target. Slight speed boost when shot
Basic Aqua Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage and has a chance to weaken the target. Slight speed boost when shot
Advanced Aqua Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage and creates a water geyser that knocks up the target and mobs near it. Slight speed boost when shot
Basic Inferno Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage and has a chance to ignite the target. Slight speed boost when shot
Advanced Inferno Wand
Fires a linear missile that deals damage, ignites the target, and also ignites mobs around it. Slight speed boost when shot
Basic Poison Spellbook
Slows and deals short tick damage to targets in a AoE cone in front of the caster
Advanced Poison Spellbook
Heavily slows and deals more tick damage to targets in a AoE cone in front of the caster
Basic Inferno Spellbook
Breathes fire to push mobs away in a AoE cone in front of the caster. Chance to ignite mobs
Advanced Inferno Spellbook
Breathes fire to push mobs further away in a AoE cone and will ignite mobs
Basic Terra Spellbook
Gives the caster brief regeneration and has the chance to lock mobs in a temporary dirt tomb
Advanced Terra Spellbook
Gives the caster stronger regeneration and will lock mobs in an temporary dirt tomb
Basic Angelic Mace
Gives the wielder a slight speed boost when attacking, and also has a very small chance to fully heal
Advanced Angelic Mace
Gives the wielder a moderate speed boost when attacking, and has a small chance to fully heal
Basic Inferno Mace
Gives the wielder a slight damage increase when attacking, and also has a small chance to ignite the target
Advanced Inferno Mace
Gives the wielder a moderate damage increase when attacking, and also has a moderate chance to ignite the target
Basic Terra Mace
Has a small chance to give the wielder up to 2 additional absorption hearts when attacking, decay after 60s
Advanced Terra Mace
Has a moderate chance to give the wielder up to 3 additional absorption hears when attacking, decay after 60s
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