This is a default vendor description.
Modelengine mobs:
Modelengine mobs:
Rhinoceros with calf:
mostly peaceful
you can tame him with acacia leaves
calf usually follows mother, not participating in combat
upon successful taming, the rhino will disappear and drop a medallion
the rhino uses 2 attacks: charge (large damage, knocking everything away) and melee attack
Armored rhino:
is a tamed version of wild rhinoceros, you can summon him via medallion
you have to feed him time to time with acacia leaves (you can configure this)
you can mark targets with medallion, making the rhino attack target if within range
Elephant with calf:
mostly peaceful
has deadly charge attack, running over everything in straight path
his melee attack throws target into the air
calf usually follows mother, not participating in combat
Lion male and female:
lions spawn in pairs or small prides
there are 3 types according to quality: dark, sandy and white
each of them have a respective quality of tamed version
you can tame wild lion male with medium meat chunk, gaining medallion
pet will attack target marked with medallion
you can also interact with the pet or make them sit
the pet has to be fed regularly and will buff the owner with roar
Single Entity Item Mobs:
Single entity mobs:
spawns in herds following one leader
flee when approached
will jump in high speed when pursued by predator
spawn in packs
hunt most animals including humans
salvage corpses as well
peaceful savanna animal
is hunted, but otherwise interacts with animals from other packs (insects etc.)
Customizable mythicmob configs
Custom sounds
Lootable items:
4 summoning medallions
3 sizes of raw hide
3 sizes of meat chunk
Easy drag and drop
Complete ecosystem for forest biomes
Combines with all our other packs
Amazing ambience
Usable as a core for any server type
Realistic injury and death system
Custom intelligent AI
All single entity animals can be placed into item frame as statues
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