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Ocean Animals Pack

Product information



Modelengine mobs:
eats all kinds of small fish, jumps above water with a splash, demands food if you hold salmon in your hand
White shark:
eats almost anything including humans, pulls the prey towards his jaws, has a chance to bite and leave
Moray eel:
creates a coral cave around him and hangs round it, hunts smaller fish
Sea krait:
hunts mostly small fish, venomous

Single Entity Item Mobs: (all of these are usable as statues and trophies)
Bat ray:
seabed animal, hunts crabs
form groups holding tightly together, changes model on less fish each hit
Flying fish:
spawn in groups but flee predators airborne in all directions
fastest predator, hunts all small and medium fish
stays quite low, usually in pairs with babies, emissive
venomous, does not attack
Blue sea dragon slug:
venomous, hunts all jellyfish
Cockle clam:
seabed creature, food for everything else

  • Loot items:
    small, large and medium fish meat
    pile of shells
    shark fin
    potent venom
    shark meat
    whale meat

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