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Try this amazing creation before you buy on our boss showcase:
The Cursed Herald Dragon Boss comes with:
13 unique animations
3 ground attack skills and 2 flying attack skills
boss and rideable battlemount versions
configurable loot
configurable damage and health
summoning permission for mount via mcpets
cursed armor and weapons set
cursed dragon medaillon
a trophy or hat dragon head decoration
skill models usable as decorations (skull projectile)
scales as crafting material
emissive textures
custom sounds and sfx
all the quality and immersivity you expect from Elitecreatures
Cursed Herald Battlemount version:
feeding system
has to be fed with soulsand once a while, configurable (default every 10min)
feed with crouch+right click with soulsand, hunger indicator in chat
if not fed for too long, pet will die
pet interactions:
crouch+right click triggers either cuddle or playful animation
can be used as regular battle pet on ground without mounting
more natural flying system
recognizes take off and landing animations and timing
naturally changes altitude overtime and gets exhausted (can be switched off)
altitude cap
the mount won’t fly higher than a set cap (configurable, default 100 blocks)
displays message when reaching the cap and holds altitude
incredibly immersive mounted battle system
several different skills under one active command by using wand from mcpets
attacks targets in air and on ground given by active commands
PvP friendly as well
exhaustion mechanic
gets tired and loses altitude quickly until it lands, triggers cooldown on flight(can be
switched off)
full mcpets configuration
active commands: ascend, descend, fly attack, ground attack
has summoning cooldown (configurable, can be turned off completely)
Cursed armor, weapons and tools
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