
Bosses, cute pets, and more fantasy creatures!

Drako - The Fire Dragon (Boss, mount & items)

Product information



This pack includes :

🔶 Drako – The Fire Dragon (Boss) :

13 animations

A complex behavior to handle ground combat & air combat

5 different attacks are handled differently from ground to the air (A bite, a wing slash, fire breath in a cone, fragmented fireball, and a grab to get the player in the air and then throw him)

Several sounds made from Minecraft Vanilla with pitch editing (ambient, wing moves, attacks)

🔶 Drako – Mount version :

A rideable version of Drako

Can either go on the ground or in the air

🔶 Dragon set (Items) :

Drako’s Fang (sword)

The Fire Protector (shield)

Dragon’s scale helmet (helmet)

🔶 MCPets presets :

Premade files (drop & drag to get it in-game)

A prepared version of the mount to work smoothly with AdvancedPet

Additional details

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