Boxpix Studio

Mobs, Armors, Cosmetics, Blocks, Icons, and much more

Mushroom Pack

Product information



Elevate your Minecraft experience with Mush Brothers’ Mushroom Pack. This collection includes mushroom-themed hats, shields, and an array of tiny yet powerful fungal weapons. Immerse yourself in a world where fungi take center stage!

📦 Included:

  • Mushroom Hat

  • Sword, Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Hoe

  • Fishing Rod, Bow, Shield

📁 Files included:

  • 📦 ItemAdder (Drag and Drop)

  • 📦 Oraxen (Drag and Drop)

  • 📦 Nexo (Drag and Drop)

  • 📦 Mushroom Items Json Files

  • 📝 README File


Additional details

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