Endesmans E-Magination D-Signe

E-magination creates the absolute top tier minecraft compatible game experiences. Top quality animations, original sound design, beautiful models and amazing game mechanics combine into explosive combat experiences, or sometimes wholesome furniture.

The Forgotten Terrors V1 - Boss & Minions Pack

Product information



Released: Oct 14, 2022

From the same universe as The Fallen heroes, this pack brings a new amazing combat experience of undead, terrorific creatures! The forgotten terrors were a legend that was better forgotten. When the great corruption spread, not only the fallen heroes were created, but every other living being was corrupted and turned into horrible undead creatures, thirsty to consume everything still alive!

This pack includes:

– The Brute (Melee, brutal)
– The Prowler (Melee, weak)
– The Puker (Ranged, harasser)

– MythicMobs configurations
– Custom sound and vfx design
– Installation & Modulation guide

Requires ModelEngine AND MythicMobs PREMIUM

Compatible with ModelEngine 4 and ModelEngine 3 Legacy


Additional details

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