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RPG Boss Legends | Direfang

Product information




This product comes with 2 packs:

  • Direfang Boss Pack: 1 Boss and 1 Skill VFX.

  • RPG Combat Essentials Pack: 2 Player skills and 4 Skill VFX.

These 2 packs are used together to recreate a thrilling soulslike boss battle in Minecraft.

The Direfang is a multi-phased boss with brutal attacks and deadly combos which could kill you in a couple moves.

Using the Combat Sword included in the RPG Combat Essentials Pack, you can roll/block/parry to better fight against it.


The Direfang Boss Pack Contains:

  • Direfang (Boss): 19 animations, skills in detail below!

  • Ground Debris VFX (Skill Model)

  • Emissive eye textures for Optifine

  • Instruction on how to install

The RPG Combat Essentials Pack Contains:

  • Combat Sword (MMOItem/MythicCrucible): 2 skills bound

  • Roll VFX (Skill Model)

  • Block Indicator VFX (Skill Model)

  • Block VFX (Skill Model)

  • Parry VFX (Skill Model)

  • Emissive skill textures

  • Instruction on how to install

  • MythicLib custom skill configs

  • MMOCore class & skill configs

  • MMOItems & MythicCrucible item configs (Recommended)

  • Configuration Manual for you to be able to add blocks/parries to your own mobs/bosses.


Direfang Skills:

Boss skills are fully customizable in terms of damage, health, at which health you want it to switch its phase, etc.


  • Spawn:

    • Going near the boss wakes it up, starting the battle.

  • Phase 1 (Above 50% Health):

    • Direfang Dash: Switches between run and walk mode. Runs when target is too far away.

    • Double Strike: Strikes 2 times, the 2nd strike knocking the target up. Parrying the 1st strike has a 5% chance to stagger the boss, the 2nd strike has a 5% chance to stun the boss.

    • Multi Strike: Strikes 5 times. Parrying 3 times staggers the boss.

    • Berserking Strike: Strikes 4 times and slides through the surface. The boss gets stunned after finishing this move.

    • Heavy Smash: Smashes the surface dealing high damage. Parrying stuns the boss.

    • Bite: Rapidly bites the target.

    • Lunge Strike: Lunge and strike the target if they're too far away.

    • Backstep: Lunge backwards, creating distance between the boss and the target. This move leads to the Brutal Grab skill unless it's on cooldown.

    • Brutal Grab: Rapidly lunge towards the target and grab them, leaping upwards and throwing them to the ground. The boss leaps down and smashes towards the target's location, dealing high damage. This move cannot be blocked, but can be parried which leads to a grab fail.

  • Phase 2 (Below 50% Health):

    • The boss turns into a Shadow Direfang. Higher damage, Faster attack animations.


RPG Combat Essentials Skills:

  • Skill 1 - Roll (Shift): Quickly dash towards your moving direction.

  • Skill 2 - Block/Parry (RMB): Reduce incoming damage by 50% while holding block / 0 damage if parried at the right timing.


Boss Dependencies: MythicMobs Premium, ModelEngine

Tested on version 1.20.4, MythicMobs Premium (5.7.1), ModelEngine (4.0.7)


RPG Combat Essentials Dependencies: MythicMobs, ModelEngine

Tested on version 1.20.4, MythicMobs (5.7.1), MMOItems (6.9.4), MythicLib (1.6.1), MythicCrucible (2.1.0), MMOCore (1.12), ModelEngine (4.0.7)

You only need one of the three - MMOItems, MMOCore, OR MythicCrucible to make the combat pack work. You don't need all of them.

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