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Golem Pack comes with 7 Golem Mobs, 1 Golem Mini-Boss, and 11 Golem Items.
The mobs from this pack are all golem species with various behaviors and skills.
This Pack Contains:
Mini Golem (Mob): 4 variations!
Cobble Golem (Mob)
Stacker Golem (Mob)
Pillarbound Golem (Mob)
Runestone Titan (Mini-Boss)
Stone Projectile (Skill VFX)
Golem Runestone (Drop Item)
Golem Heart (Drop Item)
Golem Helmet (Armor Item)
Golem Chestplate (Armor Item)
Golem Leggings (Armor Item)
Golem Boots (Armor Item)
Golem Hammer (Weapon Item)
Golem Shield (Weapon Item)
Golem Staff (Weapon Item)
Golem Bow (Weapon Item)
Golem Arrow (Weapon Item)
Mob name tag support
Emissive textures
Instruction on how to install
Resource pack included
MythicMobs/Crucible Item config
MMOItems Item config
ItemsAdder config - Easy Drag & Drop!
Oraxen/Nexo config - Easy Drag & Drop!
Mobs and their skills are fully customizable in terms of damage, health, etc.
Mini Golem:
Hop Attack: Hops and attacks its target.
Cobble Golem:
Head Bash: Strikes the target with its head.
Rolling Stone: Rolls towards its target. After crashing into them, it gets stunned for a few seconds.
Stacker Golem:
Wobbly Strike: Stacked Mini Golems cooperate to strike their target.
Collapse: Collapses on death and splits into individual golems. 2 golems flee, the other 2 golems attack their target.
Pillarbound Golem:
Stone Toss: Fire a floating stone at its target.
Pillar Stomp: Stomps its pillar to push away nearby players.
Runestone Titan:
Sweep: Sweeps its arm in a wide range towards the inside, knocking back players.
Slam Sweep: Slams the surface with its arm and sweeps in a wide range towards the outside.
Double Slam: Smashes the surface with both of its arms, knocking up players.
Summon Golems: Strikes the surface to summon Mini Golems from the ground, aiding the boss.
Dependencies: MythicMobs, ModelEngine
Tested on version 1.21.1, MythicMobs (5.7.2), ModelEngine (4.0.7), Resource pack included
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