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Add 6 pets to your game!
This pack contains 6 oriental pets with unique skills that will make your journey better.
Get speed boost from your Spirit Fox, Slash your enemies away with your Samurai!
Included in RPG Pet Pack | Super Bundle (Link to bundle)
This pack contains:
3 Versions Included – Original Version / Simple Version (Without level system) / Clean Version (Without level system and skills)
Original Version: Contains level system and pet skills
Simple Version: No level system
Clean Version: No pet skills and no level system, purely interactable, cosmetics-use pets
Spirit Fox
Dark Kitsune
Shuriken Ninja
Sai Ninja
Katana Slash Skill VFX
Ninja Shuriken Skill VFX
Shadow Ball Skill VFX
Includes a version of MythicMobs file that only attacks mobs and doesn’t attack players
MCPets config
Premade MCPets level system: Easily customizable!
3 pet food configuration (Common Pet Food / Rare Pet Food / Epic Pet Food)
Pet icons for MCPets menu
Pet name tag support
Interaction Animation: Right-click on pet to play!
1 custom sound effect (Mostly used vanilla Minecraft sounds with adjustments)
Emissive skill textures for Optifine
Instruction on how to install
Resource pack included
ItemsAdder config – Easy Drag & Drop! (Supports version 3.3+)
Oraxen config – Easy Drag & Drop!
Level System:
Pets gain EXP when they are in combat or when they are given pet food
4 premade levels: Common – Rare – Epic – Legendary (Customizable by yourself)
Pet stats, skill damage and duration increases every level
Shuriken Ninja – Shuriken Toss: Your Shuriken Ninja throws a shuriken at the enemy.
Sai Ninja – Pierce Attack: Your Sai Ninja pierces the enemy with its sai.
Samurai – Katana Slash: Your Samurai spins his katana, damaging nearby enemies.
Kitsune – Will O’ Wisp: Your Kitsune fires 3 homing will o’ wisps at nearby enemies.
Spirit Fox – Soul Haste: Your Spirit Fox gives you a speed buff.
Dark Kitsune – Shadow Ball: Your Dark Kitsune fires a shadow ball that levitates enemies.
Regular Version: Original / Clean / Simple version included
Clean Version: No pet skills and no level system, purely interactable, cosmetics-use pets
Dependencies: MythicMobs, ModelEngine, MCPets
Tested on version 1.18.2, MythicMobs (5.1.0), ModelEngine (R3.0.0), MCPets (3.0.1), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.19.2, MythicMobs (5.2.1), ModelEngine (R3.1.4), MCPets (3.0.1), Resource pack included
Tested on version 1.20.1, MythicMobs (5.4.1), ModelEngine (4.0.3), MCPets (4.1.1), Resource pack included
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